Adult Education at Chabad of Boerne
Our adult education classes feature different classes on Jewish thought and practice given by Rabbi  Yossi & Mrs. Malkie Marrus. Please feel free to join or request more information on any given class. Some classes are held on zoom and some in person at Chabad of Boerne.  

Spring 2024 (March-May)

  • A Glimpse into the T'Nach (the Jewish Bible)
    Part 2: Samuel, Saul, & David

    Join us for a new series as we gain a glimpse into the history and personalities of the T'Nach.  
    5 Wednesday evenings @ 7:30 p.m.(CST)  On Zoom
    May 8,15,22,29 and June 5.

  • Timely Lessons from The Weekly Torah Portion
    Saturday mornings @ 11:00 am (ongoing). 
    Kiddush, Refreshments and Class. In person, no Zoom.

    Previous Courses